To transform India into a Prosperous Nation within a timeframe of 2 decades (2029 to 2049)
Our Vision
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to do Social Good for the people of India. We believe, as a political
party our primary mandate is to serve the people. We aim to serve people in the
following manner:
1. Political front - by participating in electoral politics and to bring policy level changes through state assemblies and parliament
2. Social front - by serving people through our social outreach programs in the field of - Legal Aid, Education, Health, Employment and Social Harmony
3. Public Interest Litigations - By brining necessary changes through PILs
Our aim is to serve the people through all available means and transform India into a prosperous nation.
Building Equitable India
At the hour of India’s freedom people envisioned an “Inclusive and Equitable” India. It was a natural choice because of the inherent diversity and a living cultural tradition thriving for thousands of years. The people then opted for a democratic system that was inherently secular and socialistic. Somewhere in Last 75+ years Indians have deviated from building an Equitable India. To bring back focus to inclusivity and equitable development, we aim to radically re-define core areas like – Education , Healthcare, Social Fairness, Gender Equality, Legal & Social justice, Sustainable Rural and Urban Infrastructure Development, Rural and Urban Employment , Protection of Environment and Natural Resources, Governance and Accountability, Equitable Political Representation, National Unity and Integration. For India to become prosperous, it must, first attain equitable development for all sections of society.